
Items of interest concerning Hawthorne Books and its authors

Jay Ponteri Interview Part II by Sione Aeschliman

30 Aug 2013|

In part two of her interview Sione Aeschliman talks to Jay Ponteri about his publishing experience with Hawthorne Books.

Sione AeschlimanWhat did you look for in a publisher? What sorts of negotiations did you go through before signing with Hawthorne Books? 

Jay PonteriI wanted a publisher who would work hard at every stage of the process: editing, design/ layout, distribution, promotion, etc… I didn’t want a limp-handshake of an edit. I wanted somebody to challenge me, and Rhonda Hughes absolutely did. She took me through a few rounds of substantive revision that included adding more pages, cutting pages, and reorganizing things. It felt like a real collaboration because, among other things, she really gets my book. I guess that’s what you want, somebody who GETS your book and wants to cheer for it. We negotiated little. She said she wanted it, and I said, Take it.

You can read the entire interview here.