
Items of interest concerning Hawthorne Books and its authors

Kevin Sampsell, author of A Common Pornography, gives Jay Ponteri’s memoir, Wedlocked, 5 Stars on Goodreads.

09 Feb 2013|

I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing to say but… I think this book is going to be polarizing, and it should be. Ponteri bluntly looks at his own marriage in a style that is both painfully dark and intelligently philosophical (after all, Ponteri is a big fan of folks like David Shields and Maggie Nelson—two self-reflectors of the highest order).  Some critics will probably expect this book to resonate mostly with men, but I don’t really see it as anti-wife or anti-marriage. It’s a book about being human and about burrowing into our desires and how love can be a force (good or bad) in our lives. Though some may find Ponteri’s aversion to commitment an immature quality, Wedlocked frames it in honest, unsentimental language that is purely adult. This is an adult speaking to you like an adult. It’s rare that a reader is shown this much trust and respect.