
Items of interest concerning Hawthorne Books and its authors

Kristen Stewart’s first feature film is Lidia Yuknavitch’s memoir, The Chronology of Water. Kristen Stewart said, “I’m making the movie this summer…I’m going to write the best fucking female role.”

15 May 2018|

Close-up with Kristen Stewart, Feature Films Jury member

Festival de CannesWhat will your first feature film be about?

Kristen StewartI’m adapting a memoir. It’s called The Chronology of Water. Lidia Yuknavitch is from Portland. I love her novels but her memoires… it’s deeply personal to her. She’s in my blood and I knew that before I met her. As soon as I met her it was like we started this race without any sense of competition. I’m making the movie this summer but other than that, my only goal is just to finish the screenplay and hire a really spectacular actor: I’m going to write the best fucking female role. I’m going to write a role that I want so badly but that I’m not going to play.

To read the entire interview with Kristen Stewart, go to Festival de Cannes.